This is a topic you don’t see too often in “how to coach” articles but
it is a very important one. It can make or break your season and take the
FUN right out of coaching if you pick the wrong assistant coach.
Just because the person checked “I would like to be an assistant coach”
box does not mean that person will be a good assistant coach. So, how should
one pick an assistant coach ?
#1. First, examine your coaching style
and philosophy. What are your goals for the team? What types of practices
are you going to have. And how are you going to coach the game from the
#2. Next, write down what you think the role of your assistant
coach should be. With a big emphasize on the assistants coaches role on
the SIDELINE during the game.
#3. IMPORTANT. Sit down and talk to
the assistant coach candidate. Even if you know the person as a friend or
a casual acquaintance. First, ask the candidate what they think the goals
of the team should be, and what they think would be a good role of an assistant
coach. Especially what their role on the sideline should be.
Take some time to think about your candidate option.
#5. Lastly,
before you commit, meet with the candidate again. Go over YOUR goals, and
how you would like to see the practices run, and most importantly, go over
what you would like the role of the assistant coach to be on the sideline.
Of course, before the assistant coach becomes official, your organization
should do a background check and offer any training that is available.
Hopefully, because of the little extra leg work, you and your assistant
coach will have a FUN and successful season. But more importantly, your
PLAYERS will have a fun and successful season.